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half camel pose

How to do ardha ustrasana

The simple and easy steps of doing ardha ustrasana are:

  • Sit in Vajrasana.
  • Stand on the knees without giving gaps between the feet by making the toes pointed backward and resting them on the floor.
  • Inhale; bend backward slowly, place the hands behind the waist. Make the head bend backward. Hold the position as long as you can (initially for 30 seconds).
  • Exhale; slowly raise your head up and finally come to Vajrasana.
  • This is one cycle. Do 2-3 times.

9 health benefits of ardha ustrasana

1. Back pain: This is one of the effective yoga poses to treat back pain. The practicing of half camel pose gives a soothing stretching to the rigid spinal region and also makes it supple and flexible as well as the muscles associated with the spinal column. If you have neck pain, it should be performed with care.

2. Chest expansion: It helps to expand the chest with optimal thrust thereby beneficial in relieving congestion from these regions. Because of adequate stretching, the lungs also get stretched thus facilitates a suitable flow of oxygen in the lungs and the entire body. This is one of the important yoga poses, which ensures better respiration and good who have short of breath and aged people.

3. Abdominal sides fat burning: If it is practiced as per the technique mentioned above and maintaining the same for a certain period of time, it gives suitable stretching to the abdomen and its side. Regular practice may lead to more and faster metabolism of fats in these regions result in the thinning of shedding extra fats from these abdominal regions.

4. Spinal health: This is one of the best yoga poses for the health of spinal health as stretching leads to vertebral loosening and reduces congestion.

5. Boost immunity: The appropriate stretching to the concerned body parts leads to decongestant thereby flush out the toxins and harmful substances from the body. Therefore, this yoga may be practiced regularly to fight infections including coronavirus (COVID-19).

6. Menstrual issues: This is a simple and easy yoga poses, beneficial in case of menstrual difficulties. It should be practiced daily especially by those ladies who are experiencing menstrual discomforts.

7. Diabetes prevention: The patients who are experiencing sugar problems, should practice this yoga pose on a regular basis. It gives adequate massage to the pancreas and its associated muscles and ensures secretion of insulin hormone, thus helpful in the management and prevention of sugar.

8. Aids in digestion: The practice of camel pose is good to activate the enzymes and organs of the abdominal region. The secretion of required digestive enzymes ensure proper digestion and also relieves from constipation.

9. Thyroid prevention: The front of the neck is fully stretched, applying a good massage to the nerves and organs in this region. In particular, the all-important thyroid gland is regulated.

Ardha ustrasana contraindications

The practicing of ardha ustrasana should be avoided in the following conditions. Some of the precautions are:

  • High blood pressure
  • Migraine
  • Insomnia
  • Low back injury
  • Neck injury
  • Lumbago
  • Enlarged thyroid


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